Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Walk Through the Cubs Blogosphere

I don't do this nearly enough, but there are some good things out there that were not written by me.  I know it seems shocking, but the interwebs are full of good stuff and I'm not even talking about porn.
  • Mike D. at Hire Jim Essian is still pretty pissed at the Cubs, though admittedly a little less now that Kevin Millar has been sent packing.
  • Joe at View from the Bleachers reminds us all to keep our wits about us as Tyler Colvin becomes the Messiah du Jour for Cubdom.
  • John at Wasting Away in Wrigleyville looks over his predictions from last year that were depressingly accurate.
  • Tim Souers at Cubby-Blue answers the age-old question: What does one do with a Cardinals hat?
  • ccd at Waxpaperbeercup is not ashamed to say he believes in chemistry, but he believes in Lou more.
  • Adam at And Counting gives us a little reminder that Ronny Cedeno still exists and is still a pretty bad hitter.
  • OK, maybe a little porn:


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