Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bye Bye 2009 (for real this time)

I was bumbling around the tubes of the interwebs and stumbled upon this video of a Cubs parody of Don McClean's American Pie. This would have been more appropriate closer to New Years, but I think it still seems like a good way to once and for all put the past season behind and start gearing up for new disappointment in 2010.


Anonymous said...

Isnt that pic of the Dodger Fan with the shit-eating grin (pardon the swear but it was neccessary) was in the 08 playoffs. Besides that part it reminded me that Kevin Gregg sucked monkey turd(If fact most of the bullpen)

Aisle 424 said...

There were a number of pictures not from 2009 in there. Lou kicking the dirt was from 2007, and the girl grying in her stocking cap was from 2003.

Overall, I thought it was pretty good and probably more representative of what happened last year over the feel-good video the Cubs threw together for the Convention.

MGb said...

Nicey done. Except that 2-2009 thing bugged the crap out of me...

Anonymous said...

lmao. that video makes me realize i don't want 2010. lol.

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